Lily The Covid Cat
Caturday Cat of the Week
Few things are as heart warming as stories of our cats.
On select Caturdays we feature a Cat Box Classics Caturday Cat of the Week. It's here cats (and their companions) tell their stories. How did they meet? What makes their relationship special? And, of course, what makes each cat unique? If you love stories about cats and our relationships with them, this is the place for you.
How did you meet?
Lily is a rescue from a shelter in Groveland, MA. She was a year old and only 6 lbs. I don't know much about her life before I met her but she's living her best life now! I call her a Covid cat because she came into my life in June of 2020. I spent a lot of time at home that year so it was a great time for us to bond and get to know each other.
What Makes Lily Special?
Lily is quite a character. Her favorite things are having her ears scratched, snoozing the day away on my bed and searching for treats I leave around the house. I'm her best friend and she's mine. I work from home, so we play a lot, have deep conversations and snuggle together. I'm not sure how I lived without her for so long.
How has Lily Changed Your Life?
I can't imagine my life without Lily. She greets me with a big meow when I come home, stares at me intently in the morning when it's time for breakfast and waits for me to brush my teeth so we can turn in at night. Lily has given me something to take care of and I enjoy every minute of it. Even when she sits on my keyboard so I'll pay attention to her instead of work! She's a keeper.
More Lily Photos

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